Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

What do our customers think about our service?

In the UK we have 20 years of providing customer service to our customers, and as a group, we collectively have over 50 years. Our customers always come first, and our core values of: customer focused, innovative, entrepreneurial, and trustworthy, have inspired us to provide this level of excellent customer service. This can be seen from the comments from customers below:

  • “There are hundreds of hoses that can fail on combi lifts. We use Hydroscand as they are a first-time fix. I will call Jason Bray and the job is done. I would never use anyone else apart from Hydroscand, and their prices are reasonable too. They have an electronic system, so, you can see what they have done and how they have done it.”
  • “Harry came out to me today did a top job, will be using you again.”
  •  “What a good professional job Sam did and made a very neat job of the hoses that needed replacing.”
  • “I left the job with happy customers, ready to start their days work.”
  • “We always have our customers’ needs in mind, which helps to reduce their downtime and ensures they work efficiently.”
  • “The customer was very happy with the result.”   
  • “We’ve used lots of hydraulic companies all over Devon and Cornwall, but we always find that Hydroscand was the most helpful.”  
  • "I just wanted to take the time to drop you and email as people often are quick to complain and forget to compliment. Until your engineer Leo came in to see us I had never heard of Hydroscand, but I will say I am glad he did, whilst we might not be a large customer for yourselves, we will be using you throughout our group for all our hydraulic work going for. So far the service has been excellent and efficient, and Leo in particular is a real credit to you, his knowledge and problem solving on a couple of jobs in particular has been invaluable. I will be recommending you to some of our customers who will benefit from your services."
  • "I would just like to let you know that we have had Dan out on quite a few big jobs over the last couple of years. I have to say that the work he does is exceptional, clean and tidies up after himself and always goes the extra mile to get the job done. The machines are out working again. Even the operators have made comments of how good his work is. So, I just thought you would like to know he is a real asset to the company."
  • "Just want to say as people don’t do this enough, I was really impressed with your engineer Damian yesterday. I was on site too as he did the delivery. Please pass on my regards to him and say I thought he did a great job for us and was a massive help."

Here are a few recent reviews left by our customers:


"Great service, good quality, quick and not as expensive as some others!"


"Extremely friendly and diligent service. Competitive prices for all the items that was required to get our business back on track ..will use again."


"Very knowledgeable and helpful friendly staff, quick service and well stocked warehouse, 24hr rapid turnaround for special order parts and fittings. Top class service all round"


"These are the guys that can, found the problem in minutes and fixed...."


"Very helpful staff who know what they're talking about, got me out of a few situations. would highly recommend"


More informaiton on how we help our cusotmers is in the following case studies:

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