What do the numbers on the side of a hydraulic hose mean?


What do the numbers on the side of a hydraulic hose mean?

The numbers on the side of a hydraulic hose represent its dimensions and specifications. The most common specifications used for hydraulic hoses are the inner diameter, outer diameter, and working pressure. These diameter dimensions are usually indicated in millimetres (mm) or inches (in).

The size of a hydraulic hose is typically indicated by a dash (-) followed by a number. For example, a hose with a size of -6 indicates that it has an inner diameter of 6/16" or 3/8", depending on whether the hose is measured in inches or millimetres.

Here is what each number in the hose size designation means:

  • The first number indicates the size of the hose's inner diameter in 1/16ths of an inch. For example, a -6 hose has an inner diameter of 6/16" or 3/8".
  • The second number indicates the number of wire braids in the hose. For example, a -4 hose has four wire braids.
  • The third number indicates the type of hose construction. For example, a -4SC hose is a four-wire spiral hose with a synthetic rubber cover and a  synthetic rubber tube.
  • The fourth number indicates the working pressure rating of the hose in bars. For example, a -6 hose with a working pressure rating of 400 bar would be designated as -6/400.

In summary, the size of a hydraulic hose is indicated by a dash (-) followed by a number, which represents the inner diameter of the hose in 1/16ths of an inch, the number of wire braids, the type of construction, and the working pressure rating.


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